Using Some Ka Money, You can send money to anyone, Registered or Not! Using a phone or email! Living in or out of East Africa.
Recieve money sent to you from any Network, Country or Currency using your Account. Withdraw cash at any authorised Some Ka Money agent
Some Ka Money offers its registered and active users security free loans at low rates, Create an account, pay your annual Loan Processing Fee and grow your loan limit with our unsecured loans service
Manage your account, Deposit and/or Withdraw money from your account anytime. Send and receive money to/from any country
Apply for personal loans, payday loans, business loans, and many other loan products online using your Some Ka Money Account
Use Some Ka Money to send instant Messages to any network in East Africa (Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda and Burundi)
Register with us and Verify your Phone number or Email or Both
Request for Secured and/or Unsecured loans at very low interest rates and a very flexible repyment schedule
Use the Some Ka Money System to pay back your loan from anywhere in the country by simply depositing money on your account using Mobile Money Services.
To be the leading and preferred global online and mobile based platform for business, home and personal loans
To provide convenient, secure and instant platform for borrowing and lending money, cross boarder and cross currency money transfer